Why Small Group Personal Training is perfect for  Busy Bee's!
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I don't have time to go to the gym. I'm too busy with work, running here, there and everywhere with the kids and trying to have a social life.

Does this sound familiar?

With September just around the corner, the kids back to school and finally a bit of routine after the summer holidays, it is the perfect time to start Small Group Personal Training and put your own health as priority for once.

Mums, Dads and quite frankly nearly everyone is so busy these days that they often neglect themselves and put the kids/everyone else first.

It is easy for people to join a gym, pay their monthly subscription membership, go for a week and never turn up again. Or maybe that Monday after your holidays and realise you hate the sight of the place because everyone else looks like they know what they're doing. You jump on the treadmill, endlessly checking the time to see how long you've ran and it feels like the longest 3minutes of your life!!!

Ring any bells??

This is why Small Group Personal Training is the one for you!

PersonalA programme that suits you, your capabilities & your schedule.

Effective & EfficientGet in and out, get your work done. Get Results.AccountabilityIt's all about you and what you want to achieve. We want the best for you so if you don't turn up or are missing from a few sessions you will get a friendly message from our team to make sure all is ok.Time for YouAn hour for you to Excape from your work/home life.ConfidenceBecome confident in your own body. Feel empowered through the knowledge provided from our experienced coaches.Positive EnvironmentInteract with like minded positive people who want to bring out the best in you.If you would like to come in for a Free Trial with Excape Studios to be assured that Small Group Personal training is for you, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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